Engineering Business Value
Hi, I'm Jan 👋
I am a Engineering Lead who writes about connecting the dots between people, software, marketing & sales to engineer business value.
Does that sound like you?
I feel like I'm just a code monkey
who is currently mindlessly implementing Jira ticket BE-8712 without understanding how that will help the business.
I feel stuck at my job
and I don't know how to make the next step in my career.
I want to become a technical leader
but I don’t know how to make the jump from senior engineer to tech lead or software architect.
I want to be the guy who can do things end-to-end and own the result
I want to develop marketing and sales as complementary skills to deliver something amazing.
I'm looking for a side-gig
but noone seems to care about the things I produce. I don’t know how I can create anything of value for others.